Knowledge for a better world


THϴHT is a boutique consultancy.  We are part of a group that provides consulting services to clients involved in development processes in the Middle East region.  Attuned to client and community needs and resources, we provide tailor-made solutions that bridge international, regional, and local cultures. 


What we do

Research - We collate evidence to produce relevant information to inform policy and to track policy and its impacts in the complex eco-systems of the Middle East.  

Advice - We help governments in building better systems and we target niche tasks at the intersection of urban development, local governance and economic development.

Engagement - We help engage stakeholders in dialogue to promote a keen understanding of local contexts, policies, and big public and private projects.

Research & Analysis 



What we know

Our areas of expertise include: 

Where we work

We are based in Melbourne, Australia, and we work with a wide network of partners to serve projects across the Middle East region.  

Who we work with

We work with international organizations, businesses, NGOs, and public institutions.  

A leading Saudi based architectural and engineering consultancy 

Ministry of Housing in Saudi Arabia 

The United Nations Entity for the Empowerment of Women

German Society for International Cooperation