Knowledge for a better world
THϴHT is a boutique consultancy. We are part of a group that provides consulting services to clients involved in development processes in the Middle East region. Attuned to client and community needs and resources, we provide tailor-made solutions that bridge international, regional, and local cultures.
What we do
Research - We collate evidence to produce relevant information to inform policy and to track policy and its impacts in the complex eco-systems of the Middle East.
Advice - We help governments in building better systems and we target niche tasks at the intersection of urban development, local governance and economic development.
Engagement - We help engage stakeholders in dialogue to promote a keen understanding of local contexts, policies, and big public and private projects.
Research & Analysis
Brand and communications auditing.
Stakeholder mapping.
Context Analysis and trends monitoring.
Scenario Development
Impact Studies
Urban management and urban development strategies.
Historic rehabilitation strategies.
Economic development strategies.
Housing, land, and property strategies.
Local governance strategies.
Gender mainstreaming development strategies.
Advocacy strategies.
Civic society development strategies.
Brand strategies.
Communications strategies.
Facilitation: focus groups, workshops, public debates, and mediation.
Knowledge dissemination, thought leadership, content marketing.
Social marketing campaigns.
Public relations.
Business development support.
What we know
Our areas of expertise include:
Architecture, engineering and construction.
Urban management, urban development, urban planning.
Economic development.
Heritage management.
Housing, land, and property.
Local governance.
Gender mainstreaming.
Civic society development.
International aid programs.
Peace building and national reconciliation.
Where we work
We are based in Melbourne, Australia, and we work with a wide network of partners to serve projects across the Middle East region.
Who we work with
We work with international organizations, businesses, NGOs, and public institutions.